Mental Health Wellbeing
Below is a list of organisations (not in any particular order) that can provide support with anxiety and mental health wellbeing, including keeping active that we hope you may find helpful.
Headspace – A mental health app, there is a monthly fee, but you can try for free.
Mental Health Foundation – Information on how to care for your mental health including activities.
MIND – Help and support on good mental health.
NHS Every Mind Matters – Anxiety explained, hints and tips on how to deal with anxiety.
North East and North Cumbria Suicide Prevention Network – Support for anyone effected by suicide and / or self-harm.
NHS Exercise – Keeping active is good for our mental health, this is a link to exercise guidelines issued by the NHS to support you to get moving.
Guided imagery is a great way to relax, take time out, and deal with disrupting feelings that impact on our behaviour. Below are links to three sessions courtesy of Rob McGinley who is an experienced counsellor and much more. Please take note of the instructions before taking part in these relaxation sessions. These links will take you to You Tube.
Relaxation Session 1
Relaxation Session 2
An exercise to help release your emotional pain This is one of the brilliant Deepak Chopra’s meditations (all copyrights remain with him)